When planning our product we used facebook and mobile phones to get in touch with our focus group when researching about our product. We also used these devices when organising filming our product.
When creating our animatic we used digital SLR cameras to take photographs of the images I had drawn, we uploaded them by inserting the SD card into the computer then uploaded the images to premiere pro which we were then able to turn into a video. We converted the file to a flash video which we then uploaded to youtube. After this we were able to post it on facebook and receive opinions from our focus group.
The use of blogging helped me keep up to date with my work and keep notes on what I have learned, this helped me to revise skills and progress as a result. Blogging also helped me to present my work in a clear, understandable way also in order and nothing was lost which was helpful. Blogging really helped me when forming my evaluation as I could upload different types of media such as videos I had filmed from youtube.
We used websites such as www.artofthetitle.com and youtube to help us learn more about what a title does. We analysed some of the sequences from famous films of the genre we were looking at creating our own in; this really helped us and also gave us ideas for our own sequence, this helped to make our product look like a real sequence.
The new technology we used helped us to achieve our final product as the Sony DV camera was small and compact which made filming hand-held shots easier and made general transport of the camera easier, thus giving us more freedom when choosing locations. The On Location and Premiere Pro software was extremely easy to use and made the process of editing a lot quicker compared to editing the sequence without digital technology.
During filming, it took a while for us to get used to using the equipment, it was temperamental as the battery life did not always last throughout our filming time, however I feel we used the time effectively and got a good result. We learnt after our first film shoot that we had to start recording a few seconds earlier to avoid the computer software cutting it out and us loosing parts of clips.
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